Thinking About Teeth Whitening? Here’s What You Need to Know!

Understanding teeth whitening.

Are your teeth discolored and less than bright and white? If so, you’re not alone. And if you feel self-conscious about it, you’re not alone there either. In fact, according to Byte, approximately 67% of Americans are a bit self-conscious about their smiles, and the primary reason is because of discolored teeth.

Thankfully, if your teeth aren’t as bright and white as you want them to be, there are solutions. At Parmer Lane Family Dentistry, we offer two options for professional tooth whitening: in-office teeth whitening through Zoom and at-home teeth whitening. And both solutions promise to leave you with a smile that will boost that self-confidence

Is teeth whitening right for you?

Before we answer the obvious question, is teeth whitening right for you, let’s address the elephant in the room—what causes tooth discoloration, anyway? There are basically two different ways to look at dental staining.  

First up, we’ve got extrinsic discoloration, which targets the outer layer of your teeth, namely the enamel. Those culprits? Well, think about the foods and drinks you consume; some of them can leave your teeth looking less than bright and white.

Then there’s intrinsic discoloration, a sneaky one that begins its mischief from within your tooth, messing with the dentin layer beneath the enamel. What sets it off? Anything from dental mishaps to specific medications can be to blame.

The most common causes of extrinsic staining include drinking dark-colored foods and beverages, smoking and tobacco usage, poor oral hygiene, and excessive fluoride. Intrinsic stains are typically caused by dental trauma, tooth decay, and various medications. 

So, is tooth whitening right for you? Factors like existing dental restorations, tooth sensitivity, and oral health conditions play a big role. Consultation with a dentist at Parmer Lane Family Dentistry can help you determine your candidacy for teeth whitening. We can assess your unique situation, address concerns, and recommend the safest and most effective options tailored to your needs. So, before diving into whitening treatments, a chat with our team is definitely in order!

Understanding the teeth whitening process.

At our Austin cosmetic dentist office, we proudly offer both in-office treatments and at-home kits for dental tooth whitening, ensuring flexibility and convenience for our patients.

In-office procedures, such as the Zoom Advanced Power Chairside Lamp treatment, use a 25% hydrogen peroxide whitening solution. Activated by the lamp, this solution breaks down into oxygen molecules that penetrate the enamel and dentin, effectively bleaching stained substances while preserving the tooth’s structure.

For at-home whitening, our Zoom whitening kit provides custom trays crafted from impressions of your teeth. Each kit includes six whitening syringes. Applying a small dot of gel inside the tray for each tooth, wear the trays for 15 minutes, twice daily, over two weeks to achieve your desired level of whiteness.

Potential side effects, such as temporary tooth sensitivity, may occur throughout the process, but the results are well worth it. With Zoom treatments, the result is teeth that are up to eight shades lighter, a transformation bound to make anyone beam with confidence. So, why wait? It’s time to raise your hand for a smile makeover and embrace the brilliance of a brighter smile.

Maintaining Your Smile Makeover

After investing in a tooth-whitening smile makeover, you will want to maintain those stunning results. Here are some tips to help prolong the effects and keep your smile bright:

  • Practice proper oral hygiene: Brushing twice a day and flossing daily can prevent stains from settling.
  • Watch your diet: Avoid foods and drinks known to stain teeth, and use a straw when consuming dark-colored beverages.
  • Opt for whitening toothpaste: Incorporate this into your oral care routine to help maintain brightness.
  • Kick the habit: Quit smoking and using tobacco products, as they can lead to discoloration (and increase the likelihood of developing oral cancer).
  • Rinse after meals: Swishing water around your mouth after eating can help wash away potential staining agents.

Additionally, consider touch-up treatments and follow-up care as needed. While the frequency of touch-ups varies, most individuals benefit from a touch-up approximately every six months to ensure their smile stays bright and white. 

Request a tooth whitening consultation with the best cosmetic dentist in Austin. 

Now that you’re in the know about tooth whitening, it’s time to decide if it is the right choice for you. To help you decide on tooth whitening or other cosmetic dentistry treatments, we recommend that you request a consultation with Parmer Lane Family Dentistry. We’ll take the time to assess your smile and help you decide the right treatment for you.

Request your consultation today. We can’t wait to meet you and discuss the best smile makeover options to make your teeth bright and white!

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