Maintaining Your New Year’s Smile Resolution: Tips for Long-Term Oral Health Care

Better oral health for the new year.

When it comes to New Year’s resolutions, many folks focus on mental health, fitness, weight loss, better diets, and finances. But what about your oral health? This year, consider making your smile a priority with a new year’s smile resolution! 

We’re here to guide you on your journey to a healthier, happier smile.

Why should you make a New Year’s smile resolution?

We’re not saying you should ditch resolutions for a healthier lifestyle, improved finances, or a fitter body. What we’re suggesting is that taking care of your oral health is a fantastic addition to your list. 

A New Year’s smile resolution isn’t just about having a brighter smile; it’s about your overall health and well-being. A healthy smile can boost your self-esteem and positively impact your life. So, why not make it a priority this year?

Regular Dental Checkups 

Making your New Year’s smile resolution stick begins with regular dental checkups. These routine visits are like checkpoints on your journey to a healthier smile. Dentists can keep a close eye on your oral health, spotting potential issues early and offering preventive care to stop problems in their tracks.

Don’t let those checkups slide off your to-do list this year. Prioritize your dental appointments to maintain your resolution. Your smile will thank you, and you’ll be one step closer to a healthier, happier you. So, go ahead, schedule that checkup today!

Practice good oral hygiene at home. 

To maintain your New Year’s smile resolution, effective oral hygiene practices at home are key. Brushing, flossing, and rinsing with mouthwash are the foundation of a healthy smile. Using the right techniques and tools ensures you get the most out of these practices.

Here are some tips to help you incorporate good oral hygiene habits into your daily routine:


  • Brush your teeth for at least two minutes, twice a day.
  • Use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush.
  • Brush gently (do not take your aggression out on your toothbrush) in circular motions to clean all tooth surfaces.


  • Floss daily or after meals to remove food particles and plaque from between your teeth.
  • Wrap the floss around the tooth in a C-shape and use a gentle, up-and-down motion to avoid damaging your gums.


  • Rinse with an antimicrobial or fluoride mouthwash after brushing and flossing.
  • Follow the product’s instructions for the recommended duration.

Incorporating these practices into your daily routine is a small effort with big rewards for your oral health, helping you maintain your new year’s smile resolution.

Healthy Diet for Oral Health

Your diet plays a vital role in maintaining a beautiful smile and good oral health. A balanced diet can keep your teeth strong, your gums healthy, and your smile radiant.

Tooth-friendly foods include:

  • Yogurt and cheeses: These dairy products are rich in calcium, which strengthens your teeth.
  • Carrots, celery, and leafy greens: Crunchy vegetables stimulate saliva production and help clean your teeth.
  • Apples: Their natural texture can scrub your teeth, and they’re packed with nutrients.
  • Black and green teas: These teas contain compounds that can suppress harmful bacteria.
  • Lean protein: Chicken, fish, and lean meats provide essential nutrients for tooth and gum health.
  • Nuts: They’re low in sugar and packed with vitamins and minerals.

When sugar meets the bacteria in plaque, it cooks up trouble by producing acid. This acid is the culprit behind tooth decay, gradually dissolving enamel and forming unsightly cavities. Left unchecked, tooth decay can escalate to a tooth abscess, sometimes requiring tooth removal. 

So, for the sake of your New Year’s smile resolution, consider reducing your intake of sugary foods and drinks. Embracing a tooth-friendly diet is a small but mighty step towards safeguarding your pearly whites and ensuring a lasting, radiant smile.

Avoid Harmful Habits 

Taking care of your oral health is essential for preserving the results of cosmetic dentistry procedures. Here are some habits that can harm your oral health:

  • Smoking: People who smoke are at higher risk of mouth cancer, gum problems, tooth loss, root decay, and complications after dental procedures. If you smoke or vape, prioritize oral health to prevent dental issues and gum disease.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption: Cocktails and alcopops often contain sugary mixers that can lead to tooth decay. Beer, wine, and cider contain acid that can erode enamel. Alcohol dependence increases the risk of tooth decay and loss.
  • Teeth grinding (bruxism): Chronic teeth grinding can lead to cracked teeth, enamel wear, and periodontal disease. Protect your smile by addressing this issue.

To safeguard your oral health and maintain the benefits of cosmetic dentistry, consider seeking support to manage or overcome these harmful habits. Your smile will thank you in the long run!

Protect your teeth while participating in sports. 

When you’re active in sports or physical activities, safeguarding your smile is crucial. Sports like basketball, football, hockey, martial arts, and boxing pose the highest risk of dental injuries.

Dental injuries can range from soft tissue damage, like lacerations, to more severe issues, such as fractured teeth or avulsed (knocked out) teeth. The upper lip, maxilla, and central maxillary incisors are commonly involved in these injuries.

To protect your teeth and preserve your beautiful smile, it’s essential to use a mouth guard or other protective gear while participating in high-risk sports. Don’t let an avoidable injury ruin your smile—make the smart choice and ensure you’re properly protected during physical activities.

Addressing Teeth Grinding (Bruxism)

Teeth grinding, or bruxism, can affect your oral health and the results of cosmetic dental work. Identifying signs of bruxism is crucial:

  • Abraded (worn down) teeth
  • Chipped or cracked teeth
  • Facial pain or headaches
  • Overly sensitive teeth
  • Tense facial and jaw muscles
  • Dislocation of the jaw
  • Locking of the jaw
  • Wearing away of tooth enamel, exposing the dentin
  • Popping or clicking in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ)
  • Tongue indentations
  • Damage to the inside of the cheek
  • Wear facets on teeth

If you suspect bruxism, consult a dentist for diagnosis and treatment. To manage it, practice stress reduction techniques and consider using a nightguard to protect your teeth while you sleep. Preserve your beautiful smile by addressing teeth grinding and maintaining the results of cosmetic dentistry.

Take charge of your New Year’s smile resolution today.

Maintaining your New Year’s smile resolution is well within reach. With proper dental care, avoiding harmful habits, protecting your teeth during sports, and addressing issues like teeth grinding, you can ensure your beautiful smile lasts. 

At Parmer Lane Family Dentistry in Austin, we’re here to support your journey towards a healthier, happier smile. Make your new year’s smile resolution a reality with us! Schedule an appointment today.

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