Do You Have Excellent Oral Hygiene? Do These Three Extra Things for Cavity Protection
Are you doing all you can to make sure you have excellent oral hygiene?
Most people know that brushing their teeth and flossing twice a day are very important to a good oral healthcare routine. But did you know there are other things the team at Parmer Lane Family Dentistry recommends to make sure you are taking all the steps to make sure your teeth are protected from cavities?
Make sure you are brushing and flossing properly.
The best way to help prevent cavities is by brushing your teeth and flossing daily. But are you doing those things properly?
The team at Parmer Lane Family Dentistry recommends that their patients brush their teeth at least twice a day for a minimum of two minutes each session. They recommend using a soft bristled toothbrush with a head that fits properly in your mouth, and to use a toothpaste that has fluoride in it. If you are unsure of what brand is best, look for the ADA, or American Dental Association, seal. That seal means the product is recommended by dentists all across the country who are part of the ADA.
Once you have the right tools, make sure you brush all surfaces of all of your teeth, using small, circular motions. Pay attention to the back sides of the teeth, too. Try to spend at least 30 seconds in each quadrant of your mouth to ensure all your teeth get the proper attention they deserve while you are brushing your teeth.
When it comes to flossing, if traditional dental floss is difficult for you to use, ask your dentist to recommend a Waterpik, which uses a stream of water to flush away pieces of food in between the teeth, or use dental floss picks to clean in between each of your teeth.
Preventative dental visits are key
Another preventative measure that you should be taking is visiting Parmer Lane Family Dentistry at least twice a year, or every six months. During these visits, a dentist will be able to give you a thorough dental evaluation and evaluate all your teeth. Your dentist will more than likely want you to take X-rays, which can help your dentist identify any hidden starts of cavities or other dental issues.
Your dentist might also recommend a fluoride treatment. Fluoride is a natural occurring mineral that helps strengthen the enamel of your teeth. If a fluoride treatment is recommended by your dentist, it is just an extra boost to keep your teeth’s enamel strong and healthy. While a fluoride treatment doesn’t mean you won’t get cavities, the fluoride treatment can help prevent the formation of cavities when used along with regular brushing and flossing.
Three extra oral hygiene things that help protect your teeth from cavities.
If you are following a routine oral health routine, there are still a few extra things you can do to help prevent cavities from forming on your teeth.
Floss All the Way to the Gumline
When it comes to flossing, it is very important to floss at least once a day to ensure no food particles are being left between your teeth. Those small crevices are where bacteria likes to hide, and that is where cavities can easily form .
When you are flossing, make sure you are flossing properly. The best way to floss is by using string dental floss, and ensure you are flossing all surfaces of the tooth. Make sure when you get to the gumline, you curve the floss against the tooth, and gently rub the floss under the gumline to remove any food or bacteria particles that may be stuck under the gums. You should also make sure you wrap the floss around the majority of the tooth and use small sweeping strokes to sweep away any bacteria or plaque that is left on the tooth after brushing.
Use a Timer
The best way to ensure you are brushing your teeth for at least two minutes is by using a toothbrush with a timer, or setting a manual timer on your phone. Two minutes is the minimum amount of time you should be brushing your teeth.
Two minutes is a good amount of time to make sure you are paying attention to each tooth, brushing in small circles, to remove bacteria and plaque from the teeth. You should make sure you are brushing the front, back, and top of every tooth, and the sides of the molars in the back of your mouth.
Make sure you give equal attention to every tooth in your mouth—you don’t want any to feel neglected or like they aren’t as important as the others!
Address Acid Reflux
Many people suffer from acid reflux disease, and if it is something you suffer from, it can cause more than just damage to your esophagus. Acid reflux can weaken the enamel on your teeth because it contains acid, making your teeth more susceptible to cavities. If you suffer from acid reflux, talk to your doctor, who can then recommend some diet changes to help prevent acid reflux. You can also try to eat your meals more slowly and stay sitting up after meals to help prevent acid reflux.
The team at Parmer Lane Family Dentistry are here to support your oral health.
If it’s been longer than six months since your last dental appointment, it’s time to reach out to your local Austin dentist for a checkup and cleaning. Our team is trained to identify any early signs of concern and can answer all your questions about oral hygiene. You can use our handy online form to request an appointment, or call and speak to our friendly team.