Are Your Wisdom Teeth Causing You Pain? It’s Time To Do Something About It

Time to take care of wisdom teeth

Don’t let your wisdom teeth cause you pain.

Your teeth shouldn’t cause you pain, and if they are, you need to see a dentist for an evaluation. The team at Parmer Lane Family Dentistry in Austin, Texas, is here to assist if you are feeling any pain at all in your mouth.

What are wisdom teeth?

First things first, what are wisdom teeth? Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars in your mouth. Many scientists believe that, for our ancestors, the wisdom teeth were necessary because of the diet they ate, which contained more raw meat. As humans evolved, so did our teeth. Our diets today don’t necessarily require as much chewing, so the need for wisdom teeth has dwindled over time.

When do wisdom teeth erupt?

Your wisdom teeth don’t begin to form until around your tenth birthday. They usually erupt in your late teens or early 20s. While most people will have four wisdom teeth, sometimes, fewer than four wisdom teeth develop. There are also some people who don’t develop wisdom teeth at all.

Why do wisdom teeth cause people so much trouble?

Many people experience issues with their wisdom teeth because of where they are located in the mouth. Since jaw sizes differ, some people don’t have room in their mouths for their wisdom teeth, which is why they become impacted. Once wisdom teeth become impacted, they need to be removed.

Wisdom teeth that don’t have room to erupt can cause crowding of the other teeth in the mouth, which can ruin the alignment of the other teeth in the mouth. Sometimes, the wisdom teeth come in sideways, which is another case when they need to be removed. There is also the risk of infection with wisdom teeth where food and bacteria can get trapped in the gumline. If an infection or cyst forms, that infection could spread to other teeth, creating more problems in your mouth.

What are signs your wisdom teeth should come out?

If your wisdom teeth are causing you pain, that is the number one reason they should be removed. Many times, impacted teeth can crowd your other teeth and push on your gums and jaw. If you are experiencing any soreness in the back part of your mouth, let the team at Parmer Lane Family Dentistry take a look. The soreness could lead to an infection, and in that case, your dentist will recommend you have your wisdom teeth removed sooner rather than later.

When should your wisdom teeth come out?

Your dentist may recommend that wisdom teeth come out if they are impacted, or only partially erupted in your mouth, even if they aren’t causing you any pain quite yet. Sometimes, if your wisdom teeth have erupted, they may come in at an angle, and your dentist may recommend your wisdom teeth be removed because this can cause problems with your bite or interfere with other teeth in your mouth.

A dentist will often recommend wisdom tooth removal as a proactive approach to preventing decay before it happens. Since it’s usually impossible to properly floss and brush around wisdom teeth, decay is inevitable, and it can affect the molars next to your wisdom teeth too.

What is the process of wisdom tooth removal like?

Many times, your dentist can remove your wisdom teeth in their office, but sometimes, for more complicated cases, an oral surgeon might be recommended to perform the removal. An in depth dental evaluation by your dentist will show if you should be referred to an oral surgeon or not.

Either way, the removal procedure for wisdom teeth is the same. First, you will receive anesthesia to make the site numb. Some people will request to be sedated during the procedure, while others will choose to be awake. Your dentist or surgeon will make incisions into the gum tissue to expose the wisdom tooth and then remove the tooth and roots. Sometimes, the tooth will be cut and removed in sections if that makes removal easier.

Your dentist or surgeon will remove the entire tooth, and then clean the site, making sure all pieces of the tooth and root have been removed. Often, stitches are used to close up the site. Gauze is then placed over the wound to help a blood clot form. After that, you’ll be taken to recovery and monitored for a short time. Then you’ll be on your way home.

Your dentist or surgeon will then give you instructions on what to do and what not to do for the next few days while you heal from your wisdom tooth extraction.

The team at Parmer Lane Family Dentistry can assess your wisdom tooth needs.

If you’ve been experiencing localized pain in your gums toward the back of your mouth, it could be stemming from your wisdom teeth. The best way to assess this and, if needed, come up with a management plan, is to speak with your dentist in Austin, TX. The friendly team at Parmer Lane Family Dentistry are experienced in everything related to wisdom teeth and can help you return to a pain-free day-to-day life. Request an appointment to have your wisdom teeth assessed today. 

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