What is a Full Smile Makeover and Can I Get One?

A smile makeover made just for you.

Get a smile makeover at Parmer Lane Family Dentistry.

Some people aren’t happy with their smiles for one reason or another. That is why Parmer Lane Family Dentistry offers complete smile makeover solutions for our patients. Our smile makeovers include comprehensive aesthetic dentistry treatments, like teeth whitening, veneers, and more. If you are thinking about making over your smile, visit our office for a consultation.

What is a smile makeover?

Your smile is often the first thing people notice about you. A smile can act like a beacon of light and draw others in. So, if your smile isn’t perfect or it makes you feel self conscious, a smile makeover can help radiate your inner beauty.

A smile makeover is when a dental professional consults with a patient to determine what cosmetic dental procedures can be done to fix or enhance a smile. A makeover can be just one dental procedure, or it can encompass an entire suite of cosmetic dental procedures. A consultation with your dentist will determine what you are looking for, what procedures are needed, and ensure you are healthy enough to go through the procedures.

What are common smile makeover options?

At Parmer Lane Family Dentistry, we offer a number of smile makeover options, including:

Teeth Whitening

We offer two teeth whitening options: at-home or in-office whitening. Our in-office treatment is Zoom!, which is one of the most effective ways of whitening teeth. It takes about an hour and is done in our Austin, Texas, office. The results are immediate and you can achieve whitening several shades lighter than your natural teeth. 

If you are interested in whitening your teeth at home, we offer a treatment that uses custom-made trays that you fill with a whitening solution and wear for about an hour at a time. This can be done at your convenience, any time, but the results will be more gradual than an in-office treatment.

Inlays and Onlays

Inlays and onlays are a great option for patients who need restorative dentistry for a repair that is larger than a filling, but not extensive enough to need a crown. An inlay or overlay can also be used to change the shape of a tooth. They are made of porcelain and are strong and durable, just like your original teeth.


Veneers are custom-shaped ceramic shells that are bonded to the teeth. A great benefit to veneers is that they can fix cracks, chips, discoloration that whitening treatments can’t fix, uneven wear, and crooked teeth.

Porcelain Crowns

A dental crown is essentially a tooth-shaped cover used to fix a cracked, discolored, broken, or damaged tooth. A crown can be made of porcelain, zirconia, or gold. At Parmer Lane, we like to use porcelain for our crowns because of its durability and natural look.

Porcelain Fixed Bridge

A fixed dental bridge is an option for people who are missing a tooth. The dental bridge is anchored by a dental crown on teeth each side of the missing tooth, and then a porcelain tooth is attached to the bridge. The crown is made from ceramic and can last for many years with proper dental care.


If you are looking to straighten your teeth and don’t want to wear traditional metal braces, Invisalign may be the option for you. Invisalign uses clear aligners that are custom made for your mouth. Using gentle pressure, Invisalign aligners guide teeth into their optimum position. The aligners need to be worn for the majority of the day, but can be taken out to eat or brush your teeth.

How do I know what I need for my smile makeover?

If you are looking for a way to completely transform your smile, you may be looking at more than one cosmetic dental procedure. A consultation is needed with a dentist to go over the following:

  • Your smile goals.
  • Personal goals.
  • Condition of your teeth and gums,
  • Current health of your smile.

A smile makeover is based on each person’s individualized goals and needs, and no two smile makeovers are the same. Our team at Parmer Lane Family Dentistry will work with you to come up with a game plan for getting you the smile of your dreams.

Schedule a consultation today!

If you know you want a smile makeover, visit Austin’s best cosmetic dental office. Parmer Lane Family Dentistry has all the knowledge and skills to help your smile radiate. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.

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